What do we need to know about digital heritage?--Part 2

Followed the last post, Today I am going to focus on these two questions of Digital Heritage? 

  • What are the principles or guidelines for the preservation of the digital heritage?
  • What are the application scenarios for digitalization of cultural heritage?

Cultural heritage has various forms, including architectural structures, cave temples, tombs, stone inscriptions, murals, heritage sites, and so on. It also covers important objects, works of art and literature, manuscripts, books, and other articles of interest (UNESCO, 1972).

In October 2001, the Director-General of UNESCO published a report on the draft Digital Cultural Heritage Protection Programme; On March 1, 2002, the European Commission's expert report "Preserving Tomorrow's Memory" pointed out the main challenges and potential actions; May 23, 2002: The resolution of the Council of the European Union states "Future of European Cultural Cooperation"; In the second half of 2002: UNESCO drafted the Charteron Guidelines for the Preservation of the Digital Heritage. These principles are the guidance of conservation of digital heritage.

UNESCO's Charter on the Preservation of the Digital Heritage is divided into four major sections (11). The first part describes the scope and definition of the digital heritage; the second part describes the purpose of protection (cultural diversity, prevention on cultural heritage loss, guaranteeing the accessibility and integrity of digital cultural heritage); The third section points out how to organize the protection of digital resources (technical framework and legal framework); the fourth part is the identification of international cooperation and responsibility.

Digital technology plays an important role in the archaeological field and cultural heritage conservation and interpretation area.

Collecting cultural relics spatial information using 3D laser scanning, panorama and other technologies (Source: WMWB Technology &Culture ltd.co, Peking University)

1> Archaeological research
Using 3D visualization to predict the location of heritage sites.
2> Heritage Archive work
Digital images, digital videos, 3D models, and other multimedia information have gradually become integral components of cultural heritage archival management.
3>Conservation work
Digital technology can improve environmental monitoring efficiency. It also helps to strengthen security of heritage information through biological authentication and digital encryption, especially on the net.
4>Exhibition work
 It is an important approach of cultural diffusion and education.  Virtual reality can make visitors step into the scenes of ancient life through an interactive immersion exhibition, and also give visitors the opportunity to enjoy the images of cultural heritage freely through the network.
5>Utilization of cultural heritage
3D animation, and recreation of an ancient cultural style. The digital technologies provide a possible means to solve conflicts between the conservation and utilization of cultural heritage, like tourism and conservation.

Thanks for reading! Please share your comments and ideas with me~ THANKS!

Lu, D., Pan, Y. (2011). Digital Preservation for Heritages: Technologies and Applications. Germany: Zhejiang University Press.
UNESCO (1972) UNESCO World Heritage Convention, article 1, 2. http://whc. unesco.org/en/conventiontext/. Accessed 22 Oct 2019 UNESCO, ICCROM, ICOMOS (1994) Nara Document on Authenticity, article 13. http://www.international.icomos.org/charters/nara e.htm/. Accessed 22 Oct 2019
Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage(2003) Accessed 22 Oct 2019 http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php URL_ID=17721&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html


  1. Yang,
    Another great post. I believe the preservation of our cultural heritage in digital format to be very important. Your post reminded me of the atrocities that have been committed recently by ISIS in Iraq and Syria as they have destroyed many ancient cultural heritage sites. The projects you have been talking about in your post are one way the world can at least minimize some of these types of crimes against humanity. Thanks

    1. Craig,
      Thank you for stopping by. You are absolutely right. I think most of countries and people have been tried so hard to avoid war not just in their own countries, but also want to keep peace in other regions. However, sometimes the bad things happened, in which way we can save the human cultural heritages, from my perspective, digital technology is the way, at least to make the physical artifacts into digital format that would last forever.


  2. Yang,

    What an excellent post and well written blog! I love how you mix your text with pictures drawing the reader into your subject. What I particularly enjoyed about this blog post was that I learned something new about preservation and artifacts. I also didn't know that there were guidelines in place to protect the preservation of heritage. It makes sense that we as a world should do everything we can to further preserve history and culture. Websites and blogs like yours will help facilitate this for generations to come.

    Thanks for sharing,


    1. Tony,

      Thank you for the encouragement! I am glad that I can provide some useful information. Yes, Cultural heritage conservation is totally a different field with education. But as I stated in this blog, one of the purposes to preserve our heritage in a digital way is for education, especially for the next generation.


  3. Yang,
    I loved your post, as it reminds of me of preserving my our culture and heritage. I especially like the layout of your content in that you frame the subject or words around pictures to give the reader a visual while reading about a certain subject. It gave me an in-depth understanding on how the digital heritage can be accomplished. Additionally, it is a great way to preserve the actual objects or locations. Great information.

    1. Lisa,

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting! I really appreciate your encouragement. I see the value inside the digital heritage and how can we better develop them for educational purpose is another task that instructors need to think about. Thanks.


  4. Yang,
    Great post! I really enjoy the pictures you use within your posts! I have really learned a lot from your posts and really enjoy reading them!



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