Digital Museum? Virtual Museum? -Part 2

In my last post, I talked about the difference between the digital museum and virtual museum. I can see there is a interests raised in this area, since the digital technology has increasingly shifted our life and the society. In this post, I would share some further research on this topic.

First, I have checked the website of the International Museum Association, which defines the virtual museum.  Then the three versions of Chinese, English and French on the wiki are different.

Chinese version (I translated): The Virtual Museum or the Digital Museum is a museum-themed platform that combines the use of computer multimedia technology. The virtual museum has the advantage of the free browsing and easy interaction. It can collect any things that can be digitized, and the information can be continuously updated and provided on the network. The information technology design is similar to the traditional museum type and provides a new display, whys and experience of visiting.

According to the "Digital Dictionary" and Digital Learning National Science and Technology Plan "Technical Compilation" This is defined as "digitization", digitization and storage of various artifacts, specimens and documents, such as high-resolution scanning, digital shooting, and three dimensional space model virtual production, and complete through the network. Presenting the functions of display, collection, education and research that the physical museum should have.

Virtual Museum
English version: A virtual Museum is a Museum that EXISTS only online. A Virtual Museum also known is as an Online Museum, Electronic Museum, hypermuseum, Digital Museum, Cybermuseum or Web Museum.

The term used depends upon the backgrounds of the practitioners and researches working in this field. As with a traditional museum, a virtual museum can be designed around the specific objects (such as an art museum, natural history museum or archive), or can consist of new exhibitions created from scratch (such as the exhibition at science museum, Planetarium). A virtual museum can refer to the mobile or World Wide Web offerings of traditional museums (such as displaying digital representations of its collections or exhibition); or can be born digital content such as Net art, Virtual Reality, and Digital Art.

The Virtual Museum is a museum that exists only in the Internet. Virtual museums are also known as online museums, electronic museums, ultra-museum, digital museums.

Well, according to these definitions, I personally think, we don't have to concern about the difference between the virtual museum and the digital museum. It is the same kind, only has different name. However, those online museums that rely on physical museum can no longer be called virtual museums, but only branches belonging to this physical museum. Just like Louvre Museum online.

Now let's see the French definition: (Translation to English)
Virtual Museum is an exhibition hall, mainly on the Internet.(err… I feel there is too much information to feed.)

The birth of new technologies enabled museum to protect and preserve cultural heritage by developing them. The virtual museum is a publicly accessible, non-material institution. It is physical evidence of human beings and the environment in which they live, (I have not sure how to translate this word, les temoins materiels, literally means the testimony of matter, the proof of matter, a physical evidence) research, preservation (especially using the digitization of the collection, archive), communication, display (through virtual exhibitions), especially for the purpose of education, research and emotional dialogue. According to Genevieve Vidal, virtual museums are a reference for physical museums. "They (virtual museum) carry out some online exhibitions based on physical exhibition, or virtual exhibitions specially designed for online and CD-ROM, and how information about museum events, articles, readings and works" It can be managed by the traditional staff, but is can also be managed by the city tourism director who wishes to display the cultural heritage or by individual enthusiasts. This relatively old definition is too limited to virtual museums that are just pale projections of physical museums. Today, with social networks and other new media, virtual museums can revived without the previous mentioned ideas. A virtual museum can supplement the physical museum from the content and propose another way to observe artifacts, things. And a virtual exhibition should be treated as complete exhibition.

Obviously, the definition of virtual museum has been constantly changing and updating. Because the VM depends on new technologies, and the new technologies are changing and updating every day. Today's virtual museum and ten year later the virtual museum would be a totally different thing. 

Thank you for reading, and feel free to share what is definition on virtual museum from your perspective! 


Museum and museology : Rethinking the definition of museums in the new era; conference programme and abstracts, 9-10 October 2017.

Museum General Concept,Posted by Espacio Visual Europa (EVE) in INSTITUTIONS, Museography, MUSEOLOGY, MUSEUMS,


  1. Yang,
    Great follow up to your previous post. I am very interested in VR, AR, and mixed reality technology and their uses and a museum is great place to use any or all of these technologies. At this point almost anyone can put together an AR site using an app called Google Street view. With this app on your phone you can take true 360-degree photos and post them to the maps function in the app. You can also export the photos to your library but you lose the true 360 function, you get a flat image, but in the app you get 360 and by swiping left or right you can move around or up and down in a room. You can view other peoples posts in the app simply by clicking on the icons that appear as you scroll over the map. I’m sure the Louvre used some other program, probably more powerful to create their VR site but Street View is free and allows anyone to share 360 photos with the world, I actually used in recently and I was amazed, not only did I take a 360 photo but I got the ceiling and the floor of the cathedral we were in, a true 360 photo. The way it works is interesting, it's not like a panoramic photo but with Street View you open the app and then take a series of photos as you rotate around the room, the program then more or less seamlessly edits all the photos together to give you a 360 image, very cool! Looking forward to reading your next post.

  2. Yang,
    Interesting topic and great post. I have never experienced a virtual museum before but the idea of a museum being able to display digital representations of its displays and exhibits is intriguing. I like the idea of being able to explore, learn, or tour something from afar, especially if you don't have the ability to make it to the site itself. I think this ability to explore museums through virtual means could be used not just to educate others but also help drive people to visit the museum itself. As an example, just doing a quick search I found how I can experience the Renwick Gallery Exhibition through virtual reality. Fun and makes me want to see it in person. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Yang,
    Very well articulated and interesting topic you chose. I find it fascinating to be able to access a virtual or digital museum for learning, perusing, or simple pleasure. I love history and museum type exhibits- with your topic- I think there is a ton of appealing information for not just teachers and students, but for all- to include us in the instructional design field. I think you may have uncovered a previously forgotten treasure that all societies have around the world. Do you think digital or virtual museums are the way of the future? I think this could be a good method of instructing students- Especially, when learning about others' culture, society, and history. I'm very interested in your topic. What do museums use in order to digitize their information and content? I would love to know as I'm focusing on Content Management System- in other words it's software that allows the owner to digitize and managme content input and output for websites or any type of database.
    ~Nick Arambula

    1. Nick,

      Thank you for your encouragement. Absolutely , I think digital museum could be the way of the future. My next post will answer your questions. Actually I wrote an article several months ago is about the what is digital cultural heritage which addressed the digital technology for heritage conservation. This article has published on online ( but is in Chinese. I will translate some parts in English and post for my next blog.


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